Autumn 2017
This fall has been intense!
First of all, we had the pleasure to have Cornelia S. Issler, a Zurich-based medical student, visiting our lab. In the picture you can see us having some drinks with her in the center. She worked with WT and RTP801 KO MEFs and she got pretty interesting results. Therefore, we wanted her to stay a little bit more ;-) Cornelia come back to visit us again!!
Then Núria Martín Flores and Leticia Pérez-Sisqués presented their amazing posters in the Society for Neuroscience Meeting in Washington. Indeed, they received very interesting feedback regarding their work. They were pretty busy during the presentation hours. Congratulations!!
And finally Arnau Llobet is almost finished with his Master classes and he is eager to go back to the bench and continue his research.
Regarding me, I was very busy with the teaching and sending papers to be published. However, I had few days off in october to go back to Fuerteventura and improve my surfing skills (now my graduate students are laughing out loud!!!). As always it was marvelous. We need to find an excuse to combine surfing and neuroscience right away!!
So far we are getting ready for Christmas and have some very well deserved days-off from the lab and recharge our batteries.